Thursday, June 5, 2008

Oxford in Pictures

Recently I met the IBR foster care coordinator. She came to the dog park where I was running and playing with my friends. The dog park is so much fun! I get to run around and play with other dogs. She can't believe how handsome I am!!! In her words I am "Absolutely stunning!" And I'm very friendly. I ran right up to her and greeted her. I let her pet me and kiss me and I loved every minute of it.She said if she didn't have a house full of dogs she would have taken me home. She said I'm a very special boy. I must have really made her heart melt!I am 50lbs, but my foster mom said I need to put some weight on. Also I went through my neuter surgery with flying colors, so I've had all my vetting and that not so fun stuff done.I bet if you saw me in person you would agree that I am friendly and so lovable, oh and lets not forget handsome.XOXO,Oxford

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